Arizona Median Income Increases on March 15, 2009

The US Trustee Program is updating the median income numbers for cases filed on or after March 15, 2009.
Even though incomes are presently dropping, the numbers produced by the Census Bureau go back far enough that they capture an increase in median income in Arizona.
The new median income levels for bankruptcy filings in Arizona are:
Household Size - Income

  • One - $43,397
  • Two - $57,620
  • Three - $62,002
  • Four - $71,867
  • Five - $78,767
  • Six - $85,667

So what does this mean for you?

Will Obama's Foreclosure Reduction Plan Help You?

Last week, President Obama was in town to announce his plan to help stem the tide of foreclosures. Arizona has been particularly hard hit, which is one reason why he chose to come here to give his speech.

Mr. Obama began by describing how all of us are paying a price as a result of the home mortgage crisis – depressed home values, businesses closing, and high costs to local government.

So, he set out a four-part plan to try to stop the slide in home prices and shrink the foreclosure rate.